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Evita Infinity V500

Combine fully-featured, high-performance ventilation with Infinity® Acute Care System™ integration to meet the challenges of today’s health care environment.

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Tools for your ventilation therapy I

Lung diagnostic tools like the Low Flow maneuver (inflection points)

Breath by breath recruitment trends (e.g. PEEP, EIP, VT, Cdyn)

Recruitment tools (e.g. lnspiration Hold, QuickSet, PressureLink)

PC-APRV with AutoRelease

Volumetric CO2-Monitoring (VCO2, VTCO2, Slope Phase 3, Vds/VTe)

Weaning parameter (e.g. RSBi, P0.1, NIF)

Automatic weaning with SmartCare/PS®

Tools for your ventilation therapy II

Variable Pressure Support, Proportional Pressure Support, Automatic Tube Compensation Graphical representation of airway resistance and lung compliance with Smart Pulmonary View

Room-to-breathe” concept (AutoFlow®, BIPAP, VG)

Applicable for neonatal ventilation (smallest tidal volume: 2 ml)

Functions to support your workflow

Non-invasive ventilation in all modes and all patient categories

O2-Therapy allows flow constant oxygen application

Flexible screen configuration: 6 different views for each patient related to the individual therapy

Full record of all patient data, alarms and trends

Data export via USB interface

Context-sensitive help function and online Instruction For Use for ventilation modes, alarms and device functions

RFID functionality e.g. to monitor exchange intervals and to transport ventilation settings

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